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About us

When I was planning on creating my first website, I knew nothing about XML other than that it existed. Thanks to my education and somewhat my job, I knew little bits and pieces about programming. I tried to look for some information (remember it was in 2005), and I managed to put some pieces together. Not everything was explained properly, though, and it ended up being a very frustrating and time-consuming project.

As my experience has progressed and I have learned all ins and outs of HTML and XML, I decided to help others. The truth is that, despite what others say, most XML-related websites and blogs basically just copy content from W3C Schools, so the information you find is pretty much the same. The trick is that to learn well, you need to see a hundred different examples, not a hundred copies of the same example… If you are anything like me, and I believe you are, when you try to find a solution to a problem, you like to see a few specific examples and the results instead of long texts that make you feel you’re stupid when you read them.

Another important thing is to learn about any pitfalls and downfalls and things that simply cannot be done or if there is any way to work around them.

With all of the above in mind, the purpose of this blog is to show you everything I wasn’t taught when learning and working with XML. I hope it can help you!

Since the search engines are not very good at handling websites that touch on multiple subjects that aren’t directly related, I try to make this blog very specific so that the high-quality content you are looking for is not lost somewhere on the 100th page in Google search. Plus, I don’t want you to be confused either or spend too much time looking for the answers you need. That’s where the name comes into play – XML-zone.

This blog is supposed to be a toolbox, so those who want it can get help becoming proficient in XML and web programming. No useless stuff, no complaining about how difficult things are or how mediocre things around are. I am here to help you learn how to use available tools and how to find practical solutions to problems.

This site is all about smart moves and tricks for making neat websites! Warning: Some tricks may be considered dirty (just kidding). The site is based on what I have learned when working with different websites for multiple purposes in the past. The content is designed to provide practical assistance and troubleshooting. Take a look at the examples below.

  • What is XML and what is it used for?
  • How is an XML database structured?
  • How do you find and read XML files using different browsers?
  • Examples of simple lists from XML databases.
  • Examples of lists from XML databases from pre-defined keywords.
  • How do you use search fields for searching in XML databases?

This is the XML zone – the only place you need to visit to find answers to XML-related questions, doubts, and problems.

Feel free to explore and use the Contact box to send questions and suggestions. That’s it from me. Happy programming!